











Twitter: Discord: Made by Jean Brasse with the help ofe Dydymoon and PPLeMagot
https://twitter.com/JeanBrasse_ jeanbrasse.eth#6115
https://twitter.com/dydymoon1 dydymoon.eth#3133 This document provides a lot of information about potential airdrops. If you have information about a future
https://twitter.com/hommepresse2021 PPLeMagot#4686 However, this document does not in any way confirm an airdrop. airdrop, feel free to send a private message
Please do your own research on how to get them. to Jean Brasse.
We will not provide you with any help. (even in private message)
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jeanbrasse.eth Airdrop Finished
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Airdrop Farmable + 90 % chance of an airdrop
Airdrop Farmable
Airdrop non Farmable
Protocol Statut Blockchain Action Required Date Site Twitter Note
Hop Exchange Cross-Chain Use the bridge + be LP + stake the LP End 2021 https://hop.exchange/ https://twitter.com/HopProtocol Rumor airdrop RT by the founder
Dex Guru MultiChain Make Swaps on Ethereum, Polygon, BSC Unknown https://dex.guru/ https://twitter.com/dexguru To raise funds from Julien Bouteloup who does airdrops all the time
Cowswap Ethereum + xDai Make swaps + have a Poap + hodl $GNO End 2021 https://cowswap.exchange/ https://twitter.com/MEVprotection Airdrop rumor on their twitter + community member + proposal: https://forum.gnosis.io/t/gip-13-gnosis-protocol-token/1529
Paraswap MultiChain Make swaps on all supported blockchains Unknown https://paraswap.io/#/?network=polygon https://twitter.com/paraswap Big rumors: https://twitter.com/paraswap/status/1439540772865458179?s=21 and https://twitter.com/paraswap/status/1440767449918427136?s=20
Slingshot Polygon Makes swaps Unknown https://slingshot.finance/ https://twitter.com/SlingshotCrypto Speculative + has no token yet
Superfluid Polygon + xDai Use the protocol Unknown https://www.superfluid.finance/ https://twitter.com/Superfluid_HQ Speculative + has no token yet
Kuu Avalanche Deposit tokens ($AVAX, $USDT, $LINK, $DAI, $BTC, $ETH) Unknown https://kuu.finance/ https://twitter.com/KuuFinance Speculative + has no token yet
ApeBoard Multichain Create a profil + make a swap + make a donation Unknown https://apeboard.finance/dashboard https://twitter.com/ape_board Speculative + has no token yet
Robo vault Fantom Use vaults End 2021-2022 https://www.robo-vault.com/ https://twitter.com/robo_vault https://docs.robo-vault.com/robovault-v2/untitled, snapshots taken between 1st August and 29th September for V1 vaults and others snapshots are taken everydays
Artion Fantom Buy and Sell NFTs Unknown https://artion.io/ / This is Andre Cronje behind with Fantom
Elrond Elrond Have used the testnet (closed) + have participated in the BOY + have stack $EGLD End 2021 https://elrond.com/ https://twitter.com/ElrondNetwork Insinuated by the founder via tweets + airdrop MEX already farmable
Wormhole Cross-Chain Use the bridge Unknown https://wormholebridge.com/ https://twitter.com/wormholecrypto Speculative + has no token yet
Metamask MultiChain Make swaps on Ethereum, Polygon, BSC Unknown https://metamask.io/ https://twitter.com/MetaMask Speculative + has no token yet
xDefi MultiChain Use the wallet (with invite code only) Unknown https://www.xdefi.io/ https://twitter.com/xdefi_wallet Speculative + has no token yet
Opensea Multichain Use mobil app + buy, sell, make offers on NFTs Unknown https://opensea.io/ https://twitter.com/opensea Big rumors
Arbitrum Arbitrum Use the official bridge (https://bridge.arbitrum.io/) + BC (blockchain) Unknown https://arbitrum.io/ https://twitter.com/arbitrum Big rumors + insinuated by these crypto twittos recognized
Optimism Optimism Use the official bridge (https://gateway.optimism.io/) + BC (blockchain) Unknown https://optimism.io/ https://twitter.com/optimismPBC Big rumors + insinuated by these crypto twittos recognized
xPollinate Multichain Have use the bridge Unknown https://www.xpollinate.io/ https://twitter.com/ConnextNetwork Speculative + has no token yet
Defi Saver Ethereum Have use the protocol Unknown https://defisaver.com/ https://twitter.com/defisaver Speculative + has no token yet
Larix Solana Have lend et borrow Unknown https://projectlarix.com/ https://twitter.com/ProjectLarix Rumors via private TG groups
Marinade Solana Have $mSOL End 2021 https://marinade.finance/ https://twitter.com/MarinadeFinance Rumors via private TG groups + https://medium.com/marinade-finance/introducing-mnde-marinades-secret-sauce-4bf5670463fc
Solend Solana Have lend et borrow End 2021 https://solend.fi/ https://twitter.com/solendprotocol Rumors via private TG groups + twitter: https://twitter.com/defi_airdrops/status/1436852240548040707
Sonar Solana Have used the tracker + make swaps End 2021 https://sonar.watch/ https://twitter.com/Sonarwatch Rumors via twitter
Symmetry Solana Make swaps End 2021 https://symmetry.fi/ https://twitter.com/symmetry_fi Rumors via private TG groups
Digital Eyes Solana Buy or sell an NFT Unknown https://digitaleyes.market/ https://twitter.com/DigitalEyesNFT Speculative
Solanart Solana Buy or sell an NFT Unknown https://solanart.io/ https://twitter.com/SolanartNFT Speculative
Psy Options Solana Buy an option Unknown https://psyoptions.io/ https://twitter.com/PsyOptions Speculative + has no token yet
Francium Solana Use the protocol Unknown https://francium.io/ https://twitter.com/Francium_Defi Speculative + has no token yet
Minswap Cardano Have make 5 tx Unknown https://minswap.org/ https://twitter.com/MinswapDEX Tweet by the project (currently down)
Adamant Polygon + Arbitrum Have lock $ADDY 10/2021 https://adamant.finance/ https://twitter.com/AdamantVault Tweet by Project: https://adamantfinance.medium.com/adamant-on-arbitrum-4ef79aa5050b
Thales Ethereum + Optimism Have $SNX stack Live https://thales.market/ https://twitter.com/thalesmarket Airdrop already live
Lyra Ethereum + Optimism Have $SNX stack + have used the protocol End 2021 https://www.lyra.finance/ https://twitter.com/lyrafinance Token already farmable via LM + big rumors
Kwenta Ethereum + Optimism Have $SNX stack + make swaps End 2021 https://kwenta.io/ https://twitter.com/kwenta_io Big rumors
Uniswap Optimism + Arbitrum Have done swaps Unknown https://uniswap.org/ https://twitter.com/Uniswap Speculative because a lot of cash + wants to push Optimism
Foundation Ethereum Have bought an NFT Unknown https://foundation.app/ https://twitter.com/foundation_nft In reference to the Superrare airdrop
Luchadores Ethereum Have mint and/or hodl a luchador End 2021 https://luchadores.io/ https://twitter.com/LuchadoresNFT Airdrop confirm by dev
Zapper Cross-Chain Do the quests + claim the NFTs Unknown https://zapper.fi/fr https://twitter.com/zapper_fi Big rumors
pStake Ethereum Have Stack $XPRT + have stack/hold $ATOM + have use DEFI protocols Live https://pstake.finance/ https://twitter.com/pStakeFinance Airdrop already live
Abracadabra Money Arbitrum Have deposited $ETH + mint MIM before September 20th End 2021 https://abracadabra.money/ https://twitter.com/MIM_Spell Airdrop confirmed by the project, protocol to be used before September 19: https://twitter.com/MIM_Spell/status/1438275209262424071
Handle Testnet Arbitrum Have mint fixed token before September 21 End 2021 https://handle.fi/ https://twitter.com/handle_fi Airdrop confirmed by the project, use the protocol before September 21
Thorchain Crosschain Have stack of $RUNE + have used the protocols on it (thorswap, etc…) End 2021 https://thorchain.org/ https://twitter.com/THORChain Rumors received by people close to the team
Votium Ethereum Have delegated its $CVX Unknown https://votium.app/ https://twitter.com/VotiumProtocol Speculative + has no token yet
Argent Ethereum Have created the wallet + to have made tx End 2021 https://www.argent.xyz/ https://twitter.com/argentHQ Insinuation of a potential token with arrival layers 2 thus potential airdrop
Opyn Ethereum Buy an option Unknown https://www.opyn.co/ https://twitter.com/opyn_ Speculative + has no token yet
Ribbon Ethereum https://ribbonfinance.medium.com/rbn-airdrop-distribution-70b6cb0b870c Live https://www.ribbon.finance/ https://twitter.com/ribbonfinance https://ribbonfinance.medium.com/rbn-airdrop-distribution-70b6cb0b870c
Shell Ethereum Be LP Unknown https://www.shellprotocol.io/ https://twitter.com/ShellProtocol /
Polymarket Ethereum Make a prediction Unknown https://polymarket.com/ https://twitter.com/PolymarketHQ /
Ethereum Name Service Ethereum Have an ENS Unknown https://ens.domains/ https://twitter.com/ensdomains Speculative + has no token yet
Celer Cross-Chain Have used the bridge Unknown https://www.celer.network/ https://twitter.com/CelerNetwork Already has a token but can airdrop for bridge users
Element Ethereum Mint future yield token + be LP Unknown https://element.fi/ https://twitter.com/element_fi Retroactive airdrop rumors
Rarity MMO Fantom Play the game Unknown https://raritymmo.com/ https://twitter.com/AndreCronjeTech Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrgUY8Cg_gM
Fixed Forex Ethereum Interacting with the protocol Unknown https://fixedforex.fi/ https://twitter.com/AndreCronjeTech There is a farmable token + retroactive airdrop if voted
Rabbit Hole MultiChain Doing the quests Unknown https://rabbithole.gg/ https://twitter.com/rabbithole_gg Big fundraising with the DEFI Mafia
ICE Icon Have hodl of $ICX 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/iceblock_chain https://medium.com/helloiconworld/the-ice-blockchain-e6ea96adc99 + Airdrop 1/1 ICE/ICX fort probable. Peut être décalé à 2022.
Bitsong Atom Stack $ATOM End 2021 https://bitsong.io/ https://twitter.com/BitSongOfficial Snapshot September or mid-November
Emeris + GravityDEX Atom Connect to Emeris with Keplr + make swaps + provide liquidity Unknown https://emeris.com/ https://twitter.com/emerisHQ /
Koala (memecoin) Atom Have Stack $ATOM Unknown / https://twitter.com/koala_network /
Hansum (memecoin) Atom Have Stack/hodl $ATOM and $OSMO Unknown / https://twitter.com/HANSUMtoken /
WarpZone Atom Have Stack/hodl $ATOM End 2021 / / Airdrop if the proposal 55 passes and snapshot will be taken at that time
Omniflix Atom Have Stack/hodl $ATOM Unknown https://omniflix.network/ https://twitter.com/OmniFlixNetwork /
Citadel Atom Have Stack $ATOM + have used the protocol Unknown https://citadel.one/ https://twitter.com/CitadelDAO /
CosmosGamingHub Atom Have stack $ATOM 10/2021 https://twitter.com/cosmosgaminghub Snapshot taken in February 2018 + Distribution in October 2021
CosmoStarter Atom Have stack $ATOM Unknown https://cosmostarter.io/ https://twitter.com/Cosmostarterio Snapshot not taken yet
Ethermint Atom Have Stack/hodl $ATOM Unknown / https://twitter.com/cosmos Snapshot not taken yet + Airdrop may be important
Sunny Solana Have hodl $OSMO Live https://app.sunny.ag/ https://twitter.com/SunnyAggregator Airdrop already live
Sputnik Atom Have stake $ATOM Fin 2021 https://sputnik.exchange/ https://twitter.com/SputnikNetwork Airdrop Q4 2021
Persistence Atom Have stake $IRIS Unknown https://persistence.one/ https://twitter.com/PersistenceOne /
Junochain Atom Have hodl $ATOM 10/2021 https://junochain.com/ https://twitter.com/JunoNetwork Snapshot taken on 18 February 2021, Distribution in October
ChihuahuaChain (memecoin) Atom Have stake $ATOM or $OSMO Unknown https://chi.huahua.wtf/ https://twitter.com/ChihuahuaChain /
Gnoland Atom Have stake/hodl $ATOM Unknown / / /
Anchor Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) Live https://anchorprotocol.com/ https://twitter.com/anchor_protocol Airdrop already live, including for those who stack now: https://docs.anchorprotocol.com/protocol/anchor-token-anc
Mirror Terra Have stake $LUNA or hodl $UNI 23/11/2020 Live https://terra.mirror.finance/ https://twitter.com/mirror_protocol Airdrop already live, including for those who stack now : https://medium.com/mirror-protocol/an-introduction-to-mir-token-farming-on-mirror-protocol-21e5c7c0f986
Pylon Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) Live https://www.pylon.money/ https://twitter.com/pylon_protocol Airdrop already live, including for those who stack now
StarTerra Terra Have stake $LUNA and/or $bLUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) Live https://starterra.io/ https://twitter.com/StarTerra_io Airdrop already live
Loop Terra Have stake $MINE Live https://www.loop.markets/ https://twitter.com/loop_finance https://medium.com/@StarTerra/loop-finance-x-starterra-airdrop-has-landed-b1b16e94e06d
Talis Terra Have stake $LUNA on their node (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) End 2021 https://talis.art/ https://twitter.com/ProtocolTalis Airdrop announced for those who stack on their node
Orion Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://orion.money/ https://twitter.com/orion_money https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Spar Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://spar.finance/ https://twitter.com/spar_protocol https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Nebula Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/nebula_protocol https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Mars Terra (Have stake $LUNA, not sure from the last article), participate in the lockdrop 2021/2022 https://marsprotocol.io/ https://twitter.com/mars_protocol https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page + article on medium: https://mars-protocol.medium.com/ignition-phase-announcing-the-mars-protocol-lockdrop-and-mars-token-launch-fa5b5160996d
Apollo Dao Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://apollo.farm/ https://twitter.com/ApolloDAO https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Angel Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/angelprotocol https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Lighthouse Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/lighthousedefi https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Prism Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://prismfinance.app/ https://twitter.com/prism_protocol https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Swivel Ethereum Use the protocol on the Rinkeby testnet Inconnue https://swivel.finance/ https://twitter.com/SwivelFinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Levana Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://levana.finance/ https://twitter.com/Levana_protocol https://www.terradrops.io/ and https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Kujira Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://dev.kujira.app/ https://twitter.com/TeamKujira https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Preserver Terra Have stake $LUNA (and $ANC), (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/preserver_tefi https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Glow Terra Have stake $LUNA (and $ANC), (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://www.joinglow.com/ https://twitter.com/glowsavings https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Subsidium Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://subsidium.digital/ https://twitter.com/SubsidiumDGTL https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Digipharm Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://digipharm.io/ https://twitter.com/DigipharmTeam https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Local Terra Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/local_terra https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Bet Terra Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 http://betterra.money/ https://twitter.com/BetTerraMoney https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Pluto’s Pot Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://plutospot.io/ https://twitter.com/Plutos_Pot https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Valkyrie Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://valkyrieprotocol.com/ https://twitter.com/valkyrie_money https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Crypto11 Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://crypto11.me/ https://twitter.com/fantasycrypto11 https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Tsunami Terra Have stake $LUNA $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/TsunamiProtocol https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Hero Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/Hero_NFT_ https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Neptune Terra Have stake $LUNA (and $ANC) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/neptune_finance https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
White Whale Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/WhiteWhaleTerra https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
TerraWorld Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 https://terraoffice.world/ https://twitter.com/terraworld_work https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Terra Casino Terra Have stake $LUNA (for stake $LUNA: https://station.terra.money/staking) 2021/2022 / https://twitter.com/TerraCasino https://lunaairdrops.com/ which announces it on its page
Nexus Terra Have stake $ANC to Anchor Gouvernance and stake $MINE Live https://nexusprotocol.app/ https://twitter.com/NexusProtocol Confirmed by the official twitter in DM
Boba Boba Bridge $OMG into boba network (https://boba.network/airdrop/) 2021 https://boba.network/ https://twitter.com/bobanetwork https://boba.network/airdrop/
Fractional Art Ethereum Fractional NFT or having a fractional NFT Unknown https://fractional.art/ https://twitter.com/fractional_art Speculative
Curve Ethereum Hodl $veCRV or $cvxCRV Unknown https://curve.fi/usecrv https://twitter.com/CurveFinance Airdrop already live with ellipsis (even if you start hodl from veCRV or cvxCRV now) + potentially other aidrops in the future
Debank Multichain Connect your wallet + make swaps Unknown https://debank.com/ https://twitter.com/DeBankDeFi Speculative
Zerion Multichain Have mint the NFT + Use the protocol Unknown https://app.zerion.io/ https://twitter.com/zerion_io Raising funds from the DEFI mafia
TokenSet Ethereum + Polygon Use the protocol Unknown https://www.tokensets.com/ https://twitter.com/tokensets Speculative
Ellipsis BSC Hodl $veCRV or $cvxCRV Live https://ellipsis.finance/ https://twitter.com/Ellipsisfi Airdrop already live, claim your $EPS every thursday
Rekt Ethereum Make a Gitcoin’s donation + subscribe to newsletter and enter an Ethereum adress Unknown https://www.rekt.news/ https://twitter.com/RektHQ Some rumors (and we know that Julien often makes airdrops for his projects (even if he says they are not his projects) )
Jarvis Polygon Use the protocol Unknown https://app.jarvis.exchange/ https://twitter.com/Jarvis_Network Some information was unfortunately (or fortunately) lost to my ears
Tinyman Algorand Use the testnet Unknown https://tinyman.org/ https://twitter.com/tinymanorg Speculative
Subsocial Kusama & Polkadot Hodl 1 DOT or 0,1 KSM April 15th and May 21st, 2021 Live https://app.subsocial.network/claim/dotsama https://twitter.com/SubsocialChain /
Angle Ethereum Use the protocol on Rinkeby Testnet Unknown https://www.angle.money/ https://twitter.com/AngleProtocol Julien Bouteloup is close to the project
RealT Ethereum & xDai Own property tokens Unknown https://realt.co/ https://twitter.com/RealTPlatform Airdrop insinuated on their live
Phantom Solana Use the wallet (receive tokens, send tokens, swap on their interface) Unknown https://phantom.app/ https://twitter.com/phantom Speculative + has no token yet
Dtravel Ethereum Hosting on Dtravel Unknown https://www.dtravel.com/ https://twitter.com/DtravelDAO Token announced but not yet live
SolRazr Solana Be whitelist Unknown https://twitter.com/Solrazr_App https://solrazr.com/ Be Whitelist before September 28th, 2021: https://medium.com/@SolRazr_App/solrazr-ido-whitelist-is-open-691fe6ea8783
ThorSwap Multichain Many different requirements, vérifiy here 2021 https://twitter.com/THORSwap https://thorswap.finance/ https://thorswap.medium.com/thorswap-thor-airdrop-instructions-step-1-of-2-whitelisting-2dc6cb024d09
Goldfinch Ethereum Deposit and/or borrow tokens Unknown https://goldfinch.finance/ https://twitter.com/goldfinch_fi Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Aztec Aztec ZkSNARK Layer 2 Use Aztec Unknown https://aztec.network/ https://twitter.com/aztecnetwork Speculative + has no token yet
Beta Ethereum Deposit and/or borrow tokens 2021/2022 https://betafinance.org/ https://twitter.com/beta_finance Raise funds from the DEFI mafia + airdrop announced: https://medium.com/beta-finance/beta-finance-is-live-on-ethereum-mainnet-f1fc32959f3e
Horizon Ethereum Use the protocol in beta Unknown https://beta.horizon.finance/ https://twitter.com/Horizon_Fi Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Gro Ethereum https://groprotocol.medium.com/gro-4-all-1-of-gro-to-protocol-users-c0d7a0b5670b Unknown https://www.gro.xyz/ https://twitter.com/groprotocol?lang=fr https://groprotocol.medium.com/gro-4-all-1-of-gro-to-protocol-users-c0d7a0b5670b
Unagii Ethereum & Tendermint Use the protocol Unknown https://www.unagii.com/ https://twitter.com/unagiidotcom Speculative + has no token yet
BlockArt Ethereum Have an NFT and/or become a creator and/or a creative developer Unknown https://ethblock.art/ https://twitter.com/EthBlockArt Spéculative
Zeta Solana Use the protocol in alpha Unknown https://zeta.markets/ https://twitter.com/ZetaMarkets Speculative + has no token yet
Drift Solana Long or Short a token on the devnet Unknown https://www.drift.trade/ https://twitter.com/DriftProtocol Speculative + has no token yet
O1 Solana Buy an option Unknown https://01protocol.com/ https://twitter.com/01_protocol Speculative + has no token yet
Charm Ethereum Deposit in a vault Unknown https://charm.fi/ https://twitter.com/CharmFinance Speculative + has no token yet
Yield Ethereum Deposit or borrow tokens Unknown https://yield.is/ https://twitter.com/yield Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Teller Ethereum Deposit or borrow tokens (currently in alpha) + register on the Polygon waitlist Unknown https://www.teller.finance/ https://twitter.com/useteller Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Party Ethereum Join a party and create a party Unknown https://www.partybid.app/ https://twitter.com/prtyDAO Does not have a token yet + rumors on their twitter
Paladin Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://www.paladin.vote/ https://twitter.com/Paladin_vote Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Fuji Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://www.fujidao.org/#/ https://twitter.com/FujiFinance Speculative + has no token yet
Saddle Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://saddle.finance/ https://twitter.com/saddlefinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Backd Ethereum Use the protocol on Kovan Testnet Unknown https://backd.fund/ https://twitter.com/backdfund Speculative + has no token yet (https://medium.com/@CalendarDefi/airdrop-whitelist-complete-guide-backd-bbf110436c24)
Socean Solana Stake $SOL on their protocol Unknown https://www.socean.fi/ https://twitter.com/SoceanFinance Rumors on their discord
Symphony Polygon Use the protocol Unknown https://symphony.finance/ https://twitter.com/SymphonyFinance https://twitter.com/SymphonyFinance/status/1438529650183995395 (https://medium.com/@CalendarDefi/airdrop-whitelist-complete-guide-symphony-finance-fa0bb3c6649d)
Axie Infinity Ethereum & Ronin Play before 26th October 2020 Distributed https://axieinfinity.com/ https://twitter.com/AxieInfinity https://twitter.com/AxieInfinity/status/1443539864658579456
Terraswap Terra Use the protocol Unknown https://terraswap.io/ https://twitter.com/terraswap_io Speculative + has no token yet
BrightID Multichain https://medium.com/brightid/brightdao-is-here-bdcb198393e Live https://www.brightid.org/ https://twitter.com/BrightIDProject https://medium.com/brightid/brightdao-is-here-bdcb198393e
Sablier Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://sablier.finance/ https://twitter.com/sablierhq Speculative + has no token yet
Ante Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://www.ante.finance/ https://twitter.com/AnteFinance Speculative + has no token yet
Primitive Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://primitive.finance/ https://twitter.com/primitivefi Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Qilin Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://qilin.fi/ https://twitter.com/QilinProtocol Speculative + has no token yet
Mean Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://mean.finance/ https://twitter.com/mean_fi Speculative + has no token yet
Volmex Ethereum & Polygon Use the protocol Unknown https://volmex.finance/ https://twitter.com/volmexfinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Cozy Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://www.cozy.finance/ https://twitter.com/cozyfinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Charm Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://charm.fi/ https://twitter.com/charmfinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Metapool Near Have stake $NEAR Unknown https://metapool.app/ https://twitter.com/meta_pool Spéculative
Clipper Ethereum & Polygon Use the protocol Unknown https://clipper.exchange/ https://twitter.com/Clipper_DEX Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Ondo Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://ondo.finance/ https://twitter.com/OndoFinance Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Sherlock Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://sherlock.xyz/ https://twitter.com/sherlockdefi Raise funds from the DEFI Mafia + does not yet have a token + speculative
Tinlake Ethereum Use the protocol Unknown https://tinlake.centrifuge.io/ https://twitter.com/centrifuge Speculative + has no token yet
Reaper Fantom Use the protocol Unknown https://www.reaper.farm/ https://twitter.com/Reaper_Farm Speculative + has no token yet
Vires Waves Provide liquidity October 2021 https://vires.finance/ https://twitter.com/viresfinance https://medium.com/vires-finance/vires-token-early-bird-campaign-ed3835be3ad6 (+confirmed by the team in DM)
Parsiq Multichain Use: https://iq.space/ Q1 2022 https://parsiq.net/en/ https://twitter.com/parsiq_net https://blog.parsiq.net/1-million-prq-incentive-program/
Geist Fantom https://medium.com/@geistfantom/pre-launch-announcement-geist-finance-fbfb938afd2f Live / https://twitter.com/GeistFinance https://medium.com/@geistfantom/pre-launch-announcement-geist-finance-fbfb938afd2f
Bored Ape Yacht Club Ethereum https://twitter.com/BoredApeYC/status/1446569318540615681 Q1 2022 https://boredapeyachtclub.com/#/ https://twitter.com/BoredApeYC https://twitter.com/BoredApeYC/status/1446569320314716163
Infinity Ethereum Make transaction on OpenSea before October 4th, 2021 11:59PM UTC Live https://infinity.xyz/ https://twitter.com/infinitydotxyz https://medium.com/@infinitydotxyz/announcing-infinity-the-ftx-of-nfts-e0c2930b5f48
Coingecko Coingecko Claim candies (Go see in the awards, there is something with AaveGotchi) Unknown https://www.coingecko.com/fr https://twitter.com/coingecko Not really an airdrop but there are nice gifts from time to time (cometh ship, etc..)
Coin Market Cap Coin Market Cap Claim diamonds Unknown https://coinmarketcap.com/ https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap Not really an airdrop but there are nice gifts from time to time
はじめまして! たけといいます。 20代男性サラリーマンが資産運用で5年で3000万をめざします。 これを読んで自分でも出来るのではないかと思ってくれる人が増えると嬉しいです。 お金を得ることは手段に過ぎません。若いうちに稼いで、自分の時間をより大切なことに使いたいです。 【2019投資戦歴】 投資資金合計 300万 2019年度単年損益(年利) FX 15万(15%) 投信 9万(7%) 株式 4万(8%) ※投信、株式は含み益